Version 3.8.45 – 10-30-2023

  • Prepared for version 4
  • Compatible with WooCommerce 8.2

Version 3.8.44 – 10-11-2023
Fix: license key activation

Version 3.8.43 – 10-08-2023

  • Tweak: variable products sync even if attributes contains special characters
  • Fix: negative stock sync via cron
  • Fix: update customer if address changed via My-Account page
  • Fix: update order address in Zoho if edited on wp-admin

Version 3.8.42 – 08-30-2023

  • New: Stock sync via specific Warehouse (select on Order Settings tab)
  • Tweak: full support for Wooventory
  • Fix: Product Bundles Sync if child items are variations

Version 3.8.41 – 08-16-2023

  • Fix: syncing orders inclusive tax due to Zoho API changes
  • Fix: pricelist order sync
  • Fix: syncing renewal orders of subscriptions
  • Compatibility added for WooCommerce 8.0

Version 3.8.40 – 08-01-2023

  • Fix: pricelist import for new products
  • Fix: plugin activation for Start users
  • Fix: stock sync of variations in cron

Version 3.8.39 – 04-07-2023

  • Fix: improved group items sync by syncing variations in background
  • Fix: attributes were not shown as selected on each variation

Version 3.8.38 – 06-23-2023

  • Fix: order sync
  • Fix: adding new attribute options in existing attribute
  • Tweak: syncing 10 items at a time to Zoho instead of one at a time via Action Scheduler

Version 3.8.37 – 06-21-2023

  • Fix: improved importing group items
  • Tweak: tracking of synced categories to ensure all selected categories gets synced

Version 3.8.36 – 06-16-2023

  • New: added min_qty and max_qty for pricelist import
  • Fix: re-applying same pricelist was not saving the new data
  • Tweak: added image sync in cron again (duplication issue is now resolved)

Version 3.8.35 – 06-14-2023

  • Fix: updating products custom fields via cron
  • Fix: minor small bugs in manual sync of items

Version 3.8.34 – 06-13-2023

  • Improvement: import simple items via action scheduler
  • Fix: group items import conflict

Version 3.8.33 – 06-12-2023

  • Tweak: improved group items by importing variations via action scheduler

Version 3.8.32 – 06-09-2023

  • Improvement: refactored the import of group items
  • Tweak: removed group items import from Cron (exceptions of variations)
  • Tweak: removed composite items import from Cron

Version 3.8.31 – 06-03-2023

  • New: Zoho Sync Filter on Products page
  • Tweak: automatically removing “uncategorized” from product when category assigned
  • Tweak: refactored the server php check in accordance with latest WordPress guideline
  • Fix: recommended plugins will no longer show once they are installed

Version 3.8.30 – 05-31-2023

  • Fix: manual import of variable items due to strict category check filter
  • Tweak: updated background sync library to version 1.1.0

Version 3.8.29 – 05-30-2023

  • New: Group Items is now also category based
  • Tweak: category check for webhook when creating simple item
  • Tweak: improved support for WC Subscriptions renewal order sync
  • Tweak: improved item sync from woo to zoho with name parser
  • Tweak: improved featured image import
  • Fix: variations duplication

Version 3.8.28 – 05-25-2023

  • New: support for inventory adjustment webhook type
  • New: support for renewal orders – when status is complete

Version 3.8.27 – 05-24-2023

  • Fix: physical stock update
  • Fix: order status update via webhook
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.7

Version 3.8.26 – 05-10-2023

  • Fix: order sync via order edit page if HPOS is disabled
  • Fix: updating tax of item via cron
  • Fix: updating stock via cron

Version 3.8.25 – 05-08-2023

  • New: support for High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • Fix: import of composite items

Version 3.8.24 – 04-26-2023

  • Fix: negative stock will now get synced
  • Fix: attributes not showing on variable products
  • Fix: php error for pricelist import

Version 3.8.23 – 04-17-2023

  • Fix: import group items via manual sync
  • Fix: contact sync when company_name already exists in Zoho
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.6

Version 3.8.22 – 04-07-2023

  • Fix: variable attributes were getting removed via webhook sync
  • Tweak: improved support for
  • Tested with WordPress 6.2

Version 3.8.21 – 03-22-2023

  • New: update custom fields of items
  • Fix: attributes removal of variable product
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.5

Version 3.8.20 – 03-12-2023

  • New: disable product sync to Zoho via data sync tab
  • New: order will get synced when created via the WC API
  • Tweak: allowing slashes and dots in product names now
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.4

Version 3.8.19 – 02-11-2023

  • Fix: removed tax on transaction fees to align with zoho api
  • Tweak: removed ‘imported from zoho’ description of categories and images
  • Tweak: require PHP 7.4

Version 3.8.18 – 01-26-2023

  • Fix: warehouse error on order sync
  • Fix: customer sync via backend
  • Fix: webhook sync of product
  • Tweak: improved PHP 8.2 support
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.3

Version 3.8.17 – 01-12-2023

  • Fix: Stripe Fee
  • Fix: Shipping Status Update for Accents
  • Fix: Featured Image Import for Items

Version 3.8.16 – 01-06-2023

  • New: added support for transaction fees of Stripe and PayPal
  • Fix: Backorder status of Bundle Child Item in WooCommerce

Version 3.8.15 – 12-23-2022

  • Fix: categories and brands via manual sync
  • Fix: variation import in cron
  • Tweak: improved order sync time with 60%

Version 3.8.14 – 12-06-2022

  • Fix: support for shipping statuses with accent characters
  • Fix: category and brands import via cronjob

Version 3.8.13 – 11-29-2022

  • Tweak: added support for decimal tax rates
  • Fix: SKU check for existing items
  • Fix: stock update of new items via webhook

Version 3.8.12 – 11-17-2022

  • Fix: memory usage reduced during tax mapping of order sync
  • Fix: variable products sync
  • Tweak: order json request is now visible on order edit page to debug quicker

Version 3.8.11 – 10-24-2022

  • Fix: manual import items
  • Fix: compatibility error PHP 8

Version 3.8.10 – 10-19-2022

  • New: option to disable item description sync
  • Fix: available for sale stock in manual sync
  • Fix: round up tax percentage calculation on order sync

Version 3.8.9 – 10-18-2022

  • Fix: stock sync
  • Fix: updating short description instead of long description

Version 3.8.8 – 10-14-2022

  • New: option to disable price sync
  • Fix: stock update based on available for sale as shown in Zoho Dashboard
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 7.0.0

Version 3.8.7 – 10-06-2022

  • New: support for product description
  • New: support for product tags
  • New: support for product brand (must be used as custom taxonomy on WP)
  • Fix: variation image via manual sync
  • Fix: package details as float type in WooCommerce

Version 3.8.6 – 06-28-2022

  • Fix: weight and dimensions sync via Webhook
  • Fix: image sync of variation
  • Tweak: restored disable image sync feature for webhook

Version: 3.8.5 – 06-25-2022

  • New: product bundles can now be purchased with other product types
  • Fix: orders incl tax not synced properly
  • Fix: add review for discount on review page

Version 3.8.4 – 06-10-2022

  • New: added support for Sequential Order Number plugin
  • Tweak: improved manual import of items to import more than 50 items
  • Fix: SKU check for composite items mapping
  • Fix: php warning in cron script

Version 3.8.3 – 05-20-2022

  • Tweak: removed image sync from cron script due to WordPress changes
  • Fix: sync of item weight is now a float type

Version 3.8.2 – 04-29-2022

  • Fix: stock sync from zoho to woo
  • Improvement: performance of cron script
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 6.4.1

Version 3.8.1 – 04-22-2022

  • New: enable accounting stock mode for stock sync
  • Fix: featured image sync on some hosting was not working
  • Fix: weight and dimensions are now being processed as float type

Version 3.8.0 – 04-06-2022

  • New: item tax support for webhook sync
  • Improvement: cron script can now import more items per category
  • Tweak: recommended list of plugins will only show relevant plugins

Version 3.7.9 – 03-09-2022

  • New: tax support for custom fee
  • Fix: attributes matching for variations sync to zoho
  • Fix: coupon check for variations
  • Fix: taxes with decimals

Version 3.7.8 – 02-16-2022

  • Fix: pricing update via webhook and cron

Version 3.7.7 – 01-28-2022

  • New: simple items will get created via webhook
  • Improvements: webhook and cron script optimized

Version 3.7.6 – 01-11-2022

  • Fix: group item name sync in cron
  • Fix: attributes sync from woo to zoho
  • Fix: json formatting in background process

Version 3.7.5 – 12-30-2021

  • New: added support for backorder status of product
  • New: added plugins recommendation page to use all features of this plugin

Version 3.7.4 – 12-29-2021

  • New: added support for custom order fee
  • Tweak: major refactoring cron script phase one

Version 3.7.3 – 12-17-2021

  • Fix: group item sync via cron

Version 3.7.2 – 12-14-2021

  • Tweak: added support for dynamic tax in order sync
  • Fix: array_push warning in cron

Version 3.7.1 – 12-09-2021

  • New: disable group item sync via settings
  • Tweak: categories will be updated daily now via wp-cron
  • Tweak: refactored cron script
  • Fix: attributes sync from woo to zoho
  • Fix: price sync via webhook

Version 3.7.0 – 11-16-2021

  • New: Bulk sync of Products via bulk action in WC
  • New: Bulk sync of Orders via bulk action in WC
  • New: webhook now supports Void status to cancel order in WC
  • Tweak: localized webhook shipping status sync
  • Fix: price sync of composite item in cron

Version 3.6.9 – 11-15-2021

  • Tweak: localized order status webhook sync
  • Fix: unmap variable product

Version 3.6.8 – 11-09-2021

  • Fix: importing grouped items in cron

Version – 11-02-2021

  • Fix: simple items in cron via error checking
  • Tweak: tax mapping now also checks for standard rate availability

Version 3.6.7 – 11-01-2021

  • New: support for composite item in webhook sync
  • Tweak: sync available_stock instead of actual_available_stock
  • Tweak: review banner improved
  • Tweak: update error message of product when doing background sync

Version 3.6.6 – 10-20-2021

  • New: unmap customer on order detail page if error “invalid billing_address_id”
  • Fix: background sync of items

Version – 10-13-2021

  • Tweak: show available stock via API on Zoho widget in product edit page
  • Fix: updating variation via cron
  • Fix: check if customer still exists in zoho before order sync
  • Fix: remove simple product cache after updating
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 5.8

Version – 10-06-2021

  • Fix: simple item in cron fatal error

Version 3.6.5 – 10-05-2021

  • New: support for state tax rates
  • Tweak: refactored orders settings
  • Fix: grouped items import in cron
  • Fix: image sync in cron
  • Fix: category check simple items via cron

Version 3.6.4 – 10-01-2021

  • New: multicurrency support now optional
  • New: review reminder on settings
  • Tweak: improved mapping of variations
  • Minor improvements for better onboarding experience
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 5.7.1

Version 3.6.3 – 09-14-2021

  • New: import featured image of grouped item
  • Fix: package sync
  • Minor bugfixes

Version 3.6.2 – 09-07-2021

  • New: Unmap synced products
  • New: Sync status column on products listing
  • Fix: pricing sync of sale-price vs regular price
  • Tweak: improved product mapping from Woo to Zoho

Version 3.6.1 – 08-24-2021

  • Fix: price sync zoho to woo
  • Fix: stock sync via webhook

Version 3.6.0 – 07-20-2021

  • New: support for flat discount type in woocommerce
  • Tweak: cron script will now check recently updated items only

Version – 07-07-2021

  • New: check category when sync from woo to zoho
  • Fix: importing grouped items via cron

Version – 06-21-2021

  • Fix: slow loading of thankyou page

Version – 06-18-2021

  • Fix: order sync of composite items
  • Fix: percentage discount not calculated properly
  • Tweak: license check on order sync

Version – 06-15-2021

  • Fix: order sync freeze issue on frontend

Version 3.5.9 – 06-14-2021

  • Fix: importing group item variations
  • Fix: discount in sales order
  • Fix: added 0.5 seconds in api calls to not exceed limit

Version 3.5.8 – 06-04-2021

  • Fix: order not syncing due contact conflict
  • Fix: variations mapping with sku in zoho
  • Improvement: manual edit of zoho item id

Version 3.5.7 – 06-01-2021

  • Improvement: order sync is now in background
  • Fix: incorrect tax in order
  • Fix: discount missing in order

Version 3.5.6 – 05-21-2021

  • Fix: pricelist on some hosting
  • Fix: subcategory import

Version 3.5.5 – 04-21-2021

  • New: added setting to sync attributes, so more than 3 attributes of variable products can be synced
  • Fix: double api call in cron

Version 3.5.4 – 04-15-2021

  • New: attributes of variable products will now get synced
  • Fix: pricelist sync
  • Tweak: improved cronjob for grouped items

Version 3.5.3 – 04-08-2021

  • New: manual product sync on product edit page
  • Fix: map item based on sku
  • Fix: importing sku of variations

Version 3.5.2 – 03-26-2021

  • Fix: cronjob
  • Tweak: added link to get subscription_id

Version 3.5.1 – 03-17-2021

  • New: orders will get synced in background every hour if not synced
  • New: rules popup on connect tab
  • Tweak: added error handling in admin templates

Version 3.5.0 – 03-08-2021

  • New: orders sync status on shop page
  • New: connection status on connect tab
  • New: review tab to place review for discount

Version 3.4.92 – 03-01-2021

  • Improvement: automatic update of plugin
  • Improvement: sync order when using paypal
  • Fix: pagination loop of manual item sync

Version 3.4.91 – 02-13-2021

  • Fix: webhook simple item sync
  • Fix: grouped item cron sync
  • Fix: order cancelled sync
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 5.0

Version 3.4.9 – 02-03-2021

  • New: pricelist can now be applied to multiple userroles (Pro version)
  • Fix: cronjob config error

Version 3.4.8 – 02-01-2021

  • Improvement: multiple selected categories will no longer get de-selected in Woo
  • Tweak: webhook will now check cronjob settings first
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 4.9.2

Version 3.4.7 – 01-26-2021

  • Improvement: performance of order sync
  • Tweak: added error handling for manual item sync
  • Tweak: featured image of variation will now get imported via manual sync and webhook

Version 3.4.6 – 01-22-2021

  • New: webhook will from now on create variation for already synced variable product
  • Fix: syncing variation from woo to zoho
  • Fix: cronjob stopped after importing thousand items
  • Improvement: refactored pricelist template

Version 3.4.5 – 01-08-2021

  • New: major design upgrade of settings page
  • New: remove option of custom sales order field mapping
  • Fix: order sync

Version 3.4.4 – 01-06-2021

  • New: metabox on product edit page with API response
  • New: added support for all Product Addons plugins
  • New: force-sync of item when new order is placed
  • Improvement: product sync is now OOP PHP based
  • Fix: dimensions and weight sync of variations

Version – 01-04-2021

  • Tweak: variable products will not get updated

Version 3.4.3 – 12-29-2020

  • New: added error notification on tax mapping
  • Tweak: item webhook now supports image sync of variations
  • Tweak: order page will automatically refresh after manual sync

Version 3.4.2 – 12-24-2020

  • Fix: sync of variable products

Version 3.4.1 – 12-21-2020

  • Fix: item webhook for variation
  • Fix: cronjob updating existing item

Version 3.4.0 – 12-10-2020

  • New: added support for WC Merge Orders plugin
  • New: added confirmation popup for manual order sync
  • New: remove mapped categories feature on Cron configuration tab
  • Tweak: added carrier information in order status webhook
  • Tweak: product name will not be updated if its disabled for manual item sync
  • Fix: updating stock via webhook item
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 4.8

Version 3.3.32 – 11-30-2020

  • Tweak: Added support for B2B for WooCommerce 1.5 update
  • Tweak: Only new items will be imported via cron. Webhook must be used for updating items from now on.
  • Fix: Prevent duplication of images via cron

Version 3.3.31 – 22-28-2020

  • Minor bugfixes

Version 3.3.3 – 11-27-2020

  • New: allow store managers to access settings
  • Tweak: improved confirmation alerts when saving settings
  • Fix: cancel orders as void in zoho
  • Fix: prevent purchase rate update when updating variation in woo
  • Fix: prevent package sync on frontend when its disabled
  • Fix: visibility of order prefix field in settings

Version 3.3.2 – 11-23-2020

  • New: image import via webhook item
  • New: import all active contacts from Zoho
  • Tweak: added confirmation alerts when saving settings
  • Tweak: improved sync of variable items
  • Fix: multicurrency missing user_id

Version 3.3.1 – 11-10-2020

  • Fix: invalid names error when syncing manually
  • Fix: minor bugs

Version 3.3.0 – 11-06-2020

  • New: webhook to push product changes in realtime from Zoho to Woo
  • Fix: image import sometimes not working via cron
  • Tweak: improved guidelines on tab pages

Version 3.2.64 – 11-01-2020

  • Fix: Stock not updated via cronjob
  • Fix: Pricelist not applied

Version 3.2.63 – 10-30-2020

  • Fix: dB table not generated when activating plugin
  • Tweak: deprecated wc methods in order sync
  • Tweak: undefined variables
  • Tested up to WooCommerce 4.6.1

Version 3.2.62 – 10-19-2020

  • Fix: manual sync items from woo to zoho

Version 3.2.61 – 10-15-2020

  • Fix: preventing import of variations as simple items

Version 3.2.6 – 10-12-2020

  • Fix: Saving sku in wpdb during sync
  • Fix: Prevent composite items sync as simple items
  • Tweak: improved woo-to-zoho cron script

Version 3.2.5 – 10-03-2020

  • Fix: Importing grouped items manually and via cron
  • Fix: Product dimensions sync

Version: 3.2.4 – 09-17-2020

  • Tweak: Improved currency sync class
  • Fix: Item tax rate in order sync

Version 3.2.3 – 09-14-2020

  • Tweak: Bundle type in cart limitation
  • Fix: Pricelist returning empty array

Version 3.2.2 – 09-09-2020

  • New: Order prefix option
  • Fix: Bundles in Order sync
  • Fix: Update email address of contact
  • Fix: Invalid order notes if contains special characters

Version 3.2.1 – 09-07-2020

  • Fix: Statements of Account is missing error
  • Fix: shipping_attention

Version 3.2.0 – 09-02-2020

  • New: Zoho Order Status to WooCommerce Sync
  • Fix: Class exists issue in background lib
  • Fix: Tax rate in line items of order sync
  • Fix: Order note in order sync
  • Fix: Complete billing/shipping address in order sync

Version 3.1.2 – 08-31-2020

  • New: Remove connection on connect tab
  • New: Support for WooCommerce 4.4
  • Fix: Check all categories checkbox
  • Fix: Manual items sync from Zoho
  • Fix: Resolved header output error during plugin activation
  • Tweak: Updated background sync library

Version 3.1.1 – 08-22-2020

  • New: Added attention to billing and shipping address
  • New: Support for Booster plugin
  • Fix: Address field blank in orders
  • Fix: Malformed JSON error
  • Tweak: Improved contact sync

Version 3.1.0 – 07-31-2020

  • New: Package sync
  • New: Featured image sync via manual sync
  • Support: WooCommerce 4.3
  • Improvement: Memory leak of Cron script
  • Fix: Importing featured image via cron
  • Fix: Importing variable products – setting variations
  • Fix: Syncing orders as draft option
  • Fix: Saving API response as order note

Version 3.0.2 – 07-06-2020

  • New: shipping method in order sync
  • Fix: contact sync array error on frontend

Version 3.0.1 – 07-01-2020

  • New: support for vat_exempt orders
  • Fix: disabled order sync if status is failed

Version 3.0.0 – 06-06-2020

  • New: oauth2 connection (Breaking change)
  • New: import grouped items as variable products
  • Refactored codebase with OOP PHP standards
  • Minor bugfixes

Version 2.4.3 – 06-18-2020

  • Fix: shipping_charge_tax_id as separate line in order sync

Version 2.4.2 – 06-16-2020

  • Support for WooCommerce 4.2
  • Fix: display price was being overwritten if sale_price was active
  • Fix: dimensions values not saved via cron
  • Fix: restored stock key in all sync functions

Version 2.4.1 – 06-09-2020

  • Fix: sync-from-cron error

Version 2.4.0 – 06-08-2020

  • New: disable featured image sync from cronjob
  • New: coupons are now handled on line item level
  • New: support for shipping tax
  • Tweak: removed description from background sync
  • Fix: cronjob error

Version 2.3.2 – 05-26-2020

  • New: importing grouped items from Zoho (beta)
  • New: added India and Australia datacenters
  • Fix: duplicated orders
  • Fix: email notifications of cronjob disabled

Version 2.3.1 – 05-10-2020

  • Fix: stock not always syncing in cron
  • Fix: manual item sync from settings

Version 2.3.0 – 05-05-2020

  • New: Support for multi-currency orders
  • New: Paid Woo orders will be synced as confirmed orders automatically to match the stock
  • New: Cancelled woo orders will get void in Zoho automatically
  • New: Disable item name sync for the cron script
  • Fix: Custom fields mapping for orders
  • Fix: Zoho item prices sync as regular price in woocommerce

Version 2.2.2 – 04-27-2020

  • Fix: JSON Malformed error on order sync
  • Tweak: refactored order sync functions

Version 2.2.1 – 04-24-2020

  • New: syncing subcategories to and from Zoho
  • New: support for EU VAT number for UK edition
  • Fix: contact sync from edit order in woocommerce

Version 2.2.0 – 04-20-2020

  • New: Pricelist based on Userrole (requires B2B plugin)
  • New: Select Warehouse for Orders
  • Tweak: Moved orders functions to new tab ‘Orders’
  • Tweak: Now sending item rate in sales order
  • Tweak: Get item meta function improved
  • Fix: Item names now parsed for special characters
  • Fix: Address_2 field now mapped with Zoho Contact
  • Fix: Stock key in Cron is now actual_available_for_sale_stock

Version 2.1.0 – 03-27-2020

  • New: Syncing Variable Products as Grouped Items
  • New: Zoho Pricelist to WooCommerce (Beta)
  • New: Support for wc subscription product type and signup fee
  • Tweak: Improved performance in loading thankyou page

Version 2.0.6 – 03-22-2020

  • Fully compatible with WooCommerce 4.0
  • Tweak: improved contact mapping on checkout
  • Fix: now syncing available_stock instead of stock_on_hand in cron

Version 2.0.5 – 02-18-2020

  • New: minimum PHP version 7.2 checker
  • Fix: Fixed duplicated image import on some hosting providers
  • Fix: stock sync in background process
  • Fix: removed stock_on_hand sync as its not allowed by Zoho

Version 2.0.4 – 02-05-2020

  • New: zoho_item_id now visible on product edit tab
  • Fix: sync bundle item from woocommerce product edit
  • Fix: update stock from woocommerce product edit

Version 2.0.3 – 01-24-2020

  • New: check-all categories on Cron tab
  • Fix: contact sync on admin order sync

Version 2.0.2 – 01-22-2020

  • New: support for virtual products -> synced as service to Zoho Inventory
  • Improved registration by hiding checkout form if not logged-in
  • Fix: composite item sync would sometimes sync as simple items

Version 2.0.1 – 01-17-2020

  • New: support for pricing incl. tax
  • New: custom registration label as setting on connect tab
  • Improved contact sync on manual order sync

Version 2.0.0 – 01-14-2020

  • Removed multistep process
  • New: Support for Product Addons
  • New: Orders tax rates will now be dynamic
  • Fix: Manual items sync due to ajax error
  • Refactored codebase: 50% smaller in plugin size

Version 1.6.2 – 12-12-2019

  • Improved: Moved order sync to separate script
  • Improved: Guest checkout allowed if sales order sync is disabled
  • Removed: thankyou.php template

Version 1.6.1 – 11-27-2019

  • Tweak: Improved support for Staging sites
  • Removed unused code

Version 1.6.0 – 10-25-2019

  • New: Sync Product Details (weight, length, width, height)
  • New: remove connection function
  • Tweak: Moved connection tab to beginning
  • Tweak: Switched to WC_Logger for logging orders

Version 1.5.4 – 10-01-2019

  • Improved variable items sync
  • Guest checkout will be disabled automatically

Version 1.5.3 – 09-19-2019

  • Tweak: added instructions on tabs
  • Fix: product categories in sync

Version 1.5.2 – 09-16-2019

  • Fix: variable product prices during sync
  • Fix: orders log table was not created in DB
  • Fix: connection to Zoho lost when updated
  • Fix: page index notice

Version 1.5.1 – 09.05.2019

  • New: Send Orders as Confirmed to Zoho
  • Tweak: Added Product_ID in sync email notification
  • Fix: Cronjob double API calls
  • Fix: Shipping address as Billing address if empty

Version 1.5.0 – 09.02.2019

  • Support for Composite items (requires Product Bundle plugin)
  • Switched to Real-Cron (this requires cPanel cron setup)
  • Improved performance
  • WooCommerce 3.7 support

Version 1.4.0 – 07.18.2019

  • New: Custom Field mapping of Sales Orders
  • Fix: stock status corrected if in stock

Version 1.3.2 – 07.01.2019

  • New: background processing of contacts sync
  • Tweak: Image import with item_id as image name
  • Fix: license activation issue

Version 1.3.1 – 06.20.2019

  • New: background processing of items sync
  • New: Zoho Item Description synced as Product Description

Version 1.3.0 – 06.04.2019

  • New: enable auto order number by Zoho
  • Fix: prevent same image getting imported at cron
  • Fix: prevent update of initial stock
  • Fix: contactperson had no email address

Version 1.2.1 – 05.28.2019

  • Fixed image cron import by assigning author
  • Removed unused code

Version 1.2.0 – 05.23.2019

  • Fixed category_id issue during sync
  • Fixed order manual sync when customer created manually or already existed
  • Tweak: dynamically getting terms url for sales order

Version 1.1.7 – 05.16.2019

  • Fixed stock level issue on manual sync

Version 1.1.6 – 05.08.2019

  • Fixed items import by using selected categories of cron tab
  • Blocked My-Account Billing fields that can break the sync

Version 1.1.5 – 05.06.2019

  • New: disable stock of items sync
  • Bugfix: removed initial stock sync after sales order

Version 1.1.4 – 05.03.2019

  • Fixed image sync issue
  • Fixed duplicated items in woocommerce on SKU match

Version 1.1.3 – 04.22.2019

  • Updated category cron sync with new method for faster sync as recommended by Zoho.

Version 1.1.2 – 04.10.2019

  • Improved license key check

Version 1.1.1 – 04.08.2019

  • Fixed cronjob issue
  • Improved item sync with auto-mapping items that already exists in Zoho
  • Small bugfix

Version 1.1.0 – 04.05.2019

  • New: support for Zoho Items Category during import and sync
  • New: Log for Cronjob
  • Tweak: improved log of orders

Version 1.0.3 – 03.26.2019

  • Removed email_id from contact update due to API issues
  • Fixed company_name in contact update

Version 1.0.2 – 03.17.2019

  • Fixed stock level enabling in woocommerce
  • Changed labels names in settings

Version 1.0.1 – 03.05.2019

  • Fixed cronjob disabling
  • Added notification of cronjob disabling

Version 1.0.0 – 03.01.2019

  • Initial release

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